Too much accessibility?
Digital accessibility (a11y) is usually very stimulating and meaningful. Sometimes even profitable. But it can also be frustrating and expensive. Especially when it comes as an afterthought: When huge checklists with accessibility requirements must be met after everything else is already in place.
When people tell me of such experiences I think of a large lump of butter on a sandwich. All at once is simply too much. Especially if people are telling you to hurry up.
What about "shift left"?
A common recommendation about accessibility is that you should start early. This is not news of course, but definitely part of the solution.
The principle is sometimes called "shift left": Get things done earlier = shift their position to the left on a timeline. For testing, the advantage is obvious: Adjusting early is usually much easier (and cheaper) than adjusting late.
In fact, there are many "shift left" strategies, each promoting some important quality:
- Accessibility-first
- Privacy by design
- Data driven
- Mobile first
- Security from the start
- Content first
- API first
- ...
What happens if we line up all qualities and then left-shift, one by one, from right to left, putting each one first in line?

We could get a very busy initial phase...

...or, if everybody is politely accepting when other shifts take place, we will get back to where we started!
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not advocating against early action.
I just want to suggest another analogy.