Responsive accessibility = R22y
Metamatrix accessibility lead Pär Lannerö will give a lightning talk on responsible responsive accessibility on September 5 in a meetup with the T12T accessibility community in Stockholm.
The ambition is not to provide all answers, but to spark a conversation.
If you're not able to join the meetup, but still want to see the presentation, the "slides" are here for you!
The presentation slide deck does not even pretend to be a serious, accessible web page!
- Navigate the content by spinning the carousel and by resizing your browser window!
- Make the window wide to read about large web projects, narrow for small web projects.
Ready to go?
Open presentation
Requires a 1100px wide, resizeable window.
Text alternative
If the experimental slide deck does not make sense to you, here's a summary of the questions raised:
- How can accessibility work scale with organization size?
- What are reasonable "breakpoints" for tool & method selection?
- Should major websites be expected to be more accessible than minor ones?
Then join the discussion!
Our presentation is just a conversation starter. We need to discuss.
What is responsible responsive accessibility to you?
Please use the #r22y Twitter tag or - if you speak Swedish - join the T12T Slack Facebook group Tillgänglighetstruppen.